Features Overview

How many clients you can have in this plan.
Workout Builder
Advanced workout builder to create workout plans using our drag’n’drop builder
Workout Templates
Create a workout plan using our building blocks of 700+ HD workout videos
Intelligent Meal Planner
Use our intuitive drag'n'drop editor and choose from 45.000+ delicious recipes created by nutrition experts
Full Progress & Activity Overview
A full overview to know everything about your clients, complete with check-ins, weight progress, circumference, fat percentage, tracked workouts, progress pictures and much, much more...
Text, Voice & Video Chat
Send and receive video and voice recordings, video files, images and pdf files.
Custom Branded App
Get a fully branded custom app for your clients with everything they need to reach their goals
Auto-Charge Clients with Stripe Connect
Automate your payments and earn more money. No more chasing clients to get your payments; clients will be automatically charged every month. Secure and simple.
Content / Files
Upload specific content or files and share with your clients
Coach App
Get a coach app that enables you to message your clients on the go, access essential progress data and create reminders and notes.
Customised onboarding & check-in forms
Create your own custom onboarding form for client check-ins
Unique Custom Website
Get a custom website with a lead form, that matches your personal brand.
Lead-form website
Get a simple branded website with your lead form on.
Email Support
Get fast and efficient email support when you need it
Chat Support
Get chat support with a fast response rate
Priority Chat Support
Skip the waiting time and get priority help
Help Center & Tutorials
Guides and tutorials to help you make the most of Zenfit
Workout builder
The workout builder is where you can create meal plans using our drag’n’drop builder

Features Overview


Try for free
How many clients you can have in this plan.
Workout builder
Advanced workout builder to create workout plans using our drag’n’drop builder
Intelligent Meal Planner
Use our intuitive drag'n'drop editor and choose from 45.000+ delicious recipes created by nutrition experts
Full Progress & Activity Overview
A full overview to know everything about your clients, complete with check-ins, weight progress, circumference, fat percentage, tracked workouts, progress pictures and much, much more...
Text, Voice & Video Chat
Send and receive video and voice recordings, video files, images and pdf files.
Custom Branded App
Get a fully branded custom app for your clients with everything they need to reach their goals
Coach App
Get a coach app that enables you to message your clients on the go, access essential progress data and create reminders and notes.


Try for free
How many clients you can have in this plan.
Workout builder
Advanced workout builder to create workout plans using our drag’n’drop builder
Intelligent Meal Planner
Use our intuitive drag'n'drop editor and choose from 45.000+ delicious recipes created by nutrition experts
Full Progress & Activity Overview
A full overview to know everything about your clients, complete with check-ins, weight progress, circumference, fat percentage, tracked workouts, progress pictures and much, much more...
Text, Voice & Video Chat
Send and receive video and voice recordings, video files, images and pdf files.
Custom Branded App
Get a fully branded custom app for your clients with everything they need to reach their goals
Coach App
Get a coach app that enables you to message your clients on the go, access essential progress data and create reminders and notes.


Try for free
How many clients you can have in this plan.
Workout builder
Advanced workout builder to create workout plans using our drag’n’drop builder
Intelligent Meal Planner
Use our intuitive drag'n'drop editor and choose from 45.000+ delicious recipes created by nutrition experts
Full Progress & Activity Overview
A full overview to know everything about your clients, complete with check-ins, weight progress, circumference, fat percentage, tracked workouts, progress pictures and much, much more...
Text, Voice & Video Chat
Send and receive video and voice recordings, video files, images and pdf files.
Custom Branded App
Get a fully branded custom app for your clients with everything they need to reach their goals
Coach App
Get a coach app that enables you to message your clients on the go, access essential progress data and create reminders and notes.


Try for free
How many clients you can have in this plan.
Workout builder
Advanced workout builder to create workout plans using our drag’n’drop builder
Intelligent Meal Planner
Use our intuitive drag'n'drop editor and choose from 45.000+ delicious recipes created by nutrition experts
Full Progress & Activity Overview
A full overview to know everything about your clients, complete with check-ins, weight progress, circumference, fat percentage, tracked workouts, progress pictures and much, much more...
Text, Voice & Video Chat
Send and receive video and voice recordings, video files, images and pdf files.
Custom Branded App
Get a fully branded custom app for your clients with everything they need to reach their goals
Coach App
Get a coach app that enables you to message your clients on the go, access essential progress data and create reminders and notes.

“The customer support from Zenfit is something I really appreciate. I can always ask questions and I get fast responses.”

Headshot of a satisfied customer.
Online Health Coach

Frequently asked questions

Try for free
What do I get with Zenfit?
You get a platform to manage your clients to give them the best online coaching through a branded app and grow your business with minimal manual work.
What’s included in the 14-day free trial?
With the trial you get unlimited access to all of our features. After the 14 days, you need a paid subscription to keep using Zenfit.
What happens when my trial ends?
After your free trial is over, you will no longer have access to your Zenfit account and any content you have there. Any clients you have will also lose access to it. When you select a paid plan, you regain access to everything, and so do your clients.
Once I get a paid subscription, can I cancel it?
Yes. You can easily cancel your subscription with Zenfit at any time through the platform.
What kinds of payment do you accept?
You can pay for a subscription with most credit and debit cards, as well as SEPA and Apple Pay.
How much do you charge for a subscription?
You pay a fixed monthly subscription depending on the plan you select, which is mostly determined by the number of clients you have in the platform. If you opt for receiving client payments through the platform, you also pay a fee of 3.6% of each client payment. You can see our prices here: our pricing